Saturday, April 24, 2010

Good luck Chuck and First Impressions

So, I have come to the conclusion that I am a strange variation of Good Luck Chuck. Luckily I don't have to do what he did, all I have to do is live with people. Without fail, if I live with people at least one or more of them will be engaged or married very soon afterward. Every single semester this has happened and I have no idea how it's possible. I can easily count how many of my old roommates aren't married or engaged after having lived with me. It's less than ten. Now, for a while I thought my weird streak was broken because no one I lived with last fall had gotten engaged or married. Then Emily announced she was engaged a little while ago, so apparently the streak is alive and well. The best part is that when she gets married she'll be Emily Gilmore. She acknowledges the hilarity of that, which is good, because I'm never going to stop thinking it's funny. We'll see what happens this semester, but I've already resigned myself to the fact that at least one of them is going to get engaged after living with me. I've warned them. They don't seem to mind much. Of course they wouldn't.
I'm noticing something about my first impressions with my poor unsuspecting roommates: I terrify them. I do not do this on purpose, let me just say that right off the bat. I just mind my own business unpacking and such, exchange whatever greetings I find necessary, and in the case of this semester, had a cold. I'm not nice when I have a cold, come on. But I wasn't outright mean or anything and yet still they were scared of me. And thought I was insane. You give people looks that somehow are construed as being glares and abstain from talking consistently (cold, sick, etc.) and they decide you're nuts and terrifying. A couple of years ago I scared one of my roommates upon first meeting her too. We're good friends now, she's engaged, as per usual, but still there was the initial impression of me being scary. And here I just thought I wasn't being talkative. And if people would just ask me what I'm doing they wouldn't have to jump to the conclusion that I'm nuts. It's that simple. It would have cleared things up quite nicely.
On a side note: people look at you funny if you walk around campus with a butterfly net.