Saturday, June 12, 2010

The End of Alchemy

The last chapter of Fullmetal Alchemist came out yesterday. I was ridiculously busy yesterday though, what with tramping through the woods for hours, so I had to wait until today to read it. And considering how long I have been waiting for this last chapter, waiting that last day to read it about killed me.
That being said, the last chapter was absolutely incredible. The entire ending to the series was phenomenal, but the last chapter didn't disappoint. So, basically I have been sitting here on my couch with this nice big smile on my face ever since I finished it. I'm not going to say why because I'm bitterly opposed to spoilers for one thing. For another there are just too many reasons. The entire series and the ending especially just was completely fulfilling and satisfying. I'm content and there is resolution. It's a little harder to explain it better than that. I'm just very happy with the way things went and with the whole story itself. Even Harry Potter didn't please me this much. As for an explanation for that, that would require a blog all to itself.
Anyway, all in all Fullmetal Alchemist: superb story with an incredible ending. Well done, Arakawa Sensei ^_^