I am bored. In fact, I have been bored ever since I got out of school back in July and have become exponentially more bored as time has gone on. At this point, I'm down to about two weeks and all until school starts again, but still, I'm bored. And I hate summer. People tend to give you strange looks when you say that, but I LOATHE summer. It's hot, miserable, sunburn-inducing, and there's noting I can do about it except hide in my "lair" with the air conditioning. My brother calls my room my lair. I like the sound of that.
But, back to the subject at hand: loathing summer and the boredom it causes. The long break between semesters is too long to make me happy and too short to get a job and be productive. No one hires you for six weeks unless you're a ninja assassin. And I retired from that years ago, so I'm stuck for seven weeks with nothing to do but read comic books and catch up on the writing I didn't do during school due to stress, misery, and sleep deprivation. I want to find whoever had the idea to institute this and kick them repeatedly in the shins. Two weeks is fine, I can handle that, everyone can. But seven? What am I supposed to do for seven weeks?
I've even resorted to watching old episodes of Star Trek! The old one from the 60's where you have episodes with titles like "Spock's Brain." (His brain got stolen and they had to get it back. Science Fiction doesn't get any better than that.) Don't get me wrong, they're entertaining and I like them, but you have to have a lot of time on your hands to decide to devote your entire afternoon to watching them. They got shot into some wonky alternate dimension thingy at the edge of the galaxy by some nutter on their ship and my brother aptly dubbed the colorful vortex they got launched into "the seventies." Swirly purple and pink place, yup, good name for it. Still, Spock and Kirk are the best thing that happened to Star Trek besides Riker's beard and splitting the Enterprise in half. And Data, because adding an android makes nearly anything better. But, overall, besides the entire season of Star Trek I found, I have been bored out of my mind. Had a nice roadtrip with Goober and that was fun :) but the problem with that is that afterwards I had to come home again. Lamsauce. The trees here are lousy and there are only two seasons: summer and something that's somewhat like what everyone else considers fall but we call it winter. And sometimes we're lucky enough to get two weeks of spring. Lousy stinking miserable desert. THIS is why I hate summer. Who could enjoy this? Nobody enjoys heatstroke! If it weren't for Netflix I'd have gone out of my mind by now. -_-'
Fourteen days...