I named my laptop Clark, or rather nicknamed him that. It's like racehorses, they have a real name but everyone refers to them by their nickname because let's face it, PioneeroftheNile is a mouthfull. So, Clark's official name is Superman, but I call him Clark. We've been together for a long time, nearly six years. He was a birthday present my senior year, about a month before I graduated high school. We had our ups and downs in our relationship and I gave him a good smack more than once, but I still love the guy, he's reliable. But now, after all the grief he's given me, he's really topped himself this time. This time his entire motherboard may be shot, in fact, it probably is. It's not exactly the end of the world because I can still use the computers on campus and I was planning on replacing Clark as soon as possible after this semester anyway. But, for him to die now, in the middle of the semester, is really horrible timing. I can't afford to replace him, much less fix him, and I've lost that ever vital connection to the outside world. When we lose our tv at the house I won't even be able to watch DVD's anymore. Granted that doesn't sound very dramatic, but let me tell you: IT IS. Me being deprived of DVD's, of my anime, that's a BAD THING. I do not like it. The next worst thing would be to lose my books.
And, since all bad things must happen all at once, my watch died. Both of them. Both of my watches' batteries died at the same time, so now I am watchless. For you to understand how horrible THAT is, let me explain: I have had a watch since I learned to tell time in first grade. I have never been without one since. We're talking nearly twenty years of wearing a watch here, and now it's gone. This week is turning out really lousy. Piled on top of all this was the various papers I had due this week, tests, quizzes, etc. The only upside to all of this is that it's a long weekend. What I'm going to do with it, I have no idea, but at least I get more sleep. Hurary for small favors.
So, goodbye, dear Clark, I'm going to miss you. You almost survived college for as long as me, and you earned your retirement, even if you were a pain in the neck most of the time. Farewell, my friend.