Friday, April 22, 2011

Spring Cleaning

I decided it was time to clean out my closet, since I haven't done that. Ever. Mostly I just shove more stuff in there. But on Tuesday I decided it was time to clean it out and start boxing up things. This seemed like a simple endeavor, but I've spent three days on it and I'm still not completely done. It turns out I still had most of my old high school notes and I think the combined paper probably murdered an entire forest. I did decide to keep about two pages of my government notes, but only because one had funny pictures and the other had an old doodle of mine that I find fascinating. Why is it fascinating? Because it was the very first doodle of its kind, of course. I like to consider it a historical document. The rest of it all, I recycled, saved another forest. Cleaning off my dresser was easier as it involved more simple throwing stuff away and now I can actually see the top of my dresser again. Some day I might actually clean out the drawers and see what they look like too.
In the course of all the cleaning though, I came across old notes from people and birthday cards and whatnot. Trouble is, I have no idea who the people are who gave them to me. Clearly it was important once, since I kept them all, but now I have no clue. I suppose the logical thing to do would be to label things, but who thinks of labeling birthday cards from a decade ago? Even the ones I do remember who they're from end up in a box anyway and it'll be another ten years before I look at them again. And who knows, maybe the next time I'll end up throwing them away too. In the mean time it's nice to read them again. Also, it's very dusty up there in my closet, makes my hands very dirty. I'd clean that too, but let's be honest, it really doesn't matter. Besides me, I don't think anyone's going to go poking around up there. If they did they're be very unhappy with how their hands would be afterwards, and not just because of the dust. I'm sure there's a spilled soda up there too and it's nasty. For the record, it's not my fault either. The thing managed to do it by itself and I didn't even know the can had soda in it. I might break down and clean it up eventually, but not any time soon. I'm not in the mood for that kind of thing. And there is still the lingering matter of my bed. Who knows what's under there? I refuse to cross that bridge for a long time. It's dusty under there too and I hate dust, it makes me sneeze. Obviously.
So, there it is. The great crusade against my cluttered closet that is still in progress. I probably have all sorts of odd things hidden in there just dying to be dumped in the garbage. On to the next!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Thought for the day

"Good things never last, Mr. Denham."