Saturday, December 3, 2011

Post Grad

This movie came out a while ago, I know, but I just saw it. My verdict?
At first it was doing just fine following the whole "I graduated but now I can't get a job, so now what?" thread but then it kind of careened off a cliff. She works for so long to get a job period, never mind getting the one she wanted and then the writers totally toss it out of the nearest window. Maybe if it weren't for the fact that the main character has MY DEGREE and MY DREAM JOB, but I think it was just ridiculous. Hey, guess what chick, you've got a job. Not just any job either. THE JOB. Your dream job, my dream job, the job you went to school for and worked to get, remember? And you take off to go chasing after some guy you just decided you liked five minutes ago? I don't even know what the point of the movie was at all. It sure wasn't "work for your dreams" or something like that since she throws away her career and her future thirty seconds after getting everything. Might have been something about family, but they were ridiculous and last I checked having an income and a place to live is important, not deciding to drop everything and fly to New York on a whim and throw all your work down the toilet and salute it as it circles the drain. If they wanted to create a sympathetic character they suck at their job. Perhaps they wished to convey the message that success means nothing when you're alone and lonely and sitting on an inflatable couch in a pool, but if that was the case there was a lot lost in translation. I had no reason to care whether or not she ended up with the nice guy/guy next door/childhood friend who's been in love with her for years, whichever cliche we wish him to be guy because there was so little chemistry between them to work with. He obviously likes her, but she's too busy trying to decide what the plotline is to figure out she's supposed to like him back until nearly the very end of the movie. It would have had far greater emotional impact if they had managed that at least.

So my verdict still remains: BULL. Get back to me when you've figured out what it's really like to graduate and have all your hard work flushed down the toilet because no one will hire you. No number of Eskimo Pies, or whatever the crap that ice cream bar was she kept going on about, will fix that.


  1. Hahaha. I think the only reason I would see that movie is for Alexis Bledel, cause she's cool. Yeah, the whole throwing the job out the window thing is extreme, especially after working so hard to get it. I know that pain. But, if it were for a fantastic reason, I would follow the guy. He'd have to be a really top notch, gonna spend rest of eternity with sorta guy. But, even then, I don't know if I would up and quit.... Cause if said guy really loved me like he claimed, he'd understand my pain and we would work it out.... Speculation.

  2. Yeah, if the guy was worth it I might consider it. Not necessarily do it, just consider it. And this guy didn't qualify for that. And if I need a good dose of Alexis I can just go back to Gilmore Girls or Bride and Prejudice or even The Conspirator. Excellent choices that don't involve making me extremely angry for half the morning.
