Saturday, July 17, 2010

16 Hours

2 months and 16 hours. All told, that's how long it took me to first gather my insect collection for entomology, identify all of the insects, pin them, label them, index them, and arrange them for my final grade. 16 hours of nothing but identification, labeling, and pinning. If I don't get a good grade on this, I will be very displeased.
There is one funny thing about all this though. When we were all arranging and pinning our insects we were trading them with each other like kids on the playground.
"Hey, what do you want for your June Bug?"
"What do you have?"
"You want a cricket?"
"Hey, who doesn't have a Damselfly and wants one?"
"What will you trade me for this weevil?"

Good times, good times.
And just for the record: 11 orders, 40 families. Booyah.

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