Tuesday, May 3, 2011


I write quite a bit, usually nothing terribly serious or anything, but I like writing. I don't much care for writing papers for school, but I do it anyway, and I do get some satisfaction out of it when I'm finished. Approaching these things, papers, short stories, much longer stories, I don't feel very apprehensive. With the papers it's more of a feeling of "another one? uggghhh" more than anything. With stories, it's not relevant what feeling that is beyond "yay, it's actually fun to write this!" However, for my assignment this week for my oh-so-exciting rhetoric class is to create functional and chronological resumes as well as two cover letters. Faced with writing a cover letter leaves me with a sense of "graggpoiahsn;fwneio;ah*^OUIHfa@#&#!!" Basically, complete gibberish going through my head. Complete and utter gibberish mixed with panic. A cover letter? I can't write a cover letter, prospective employers read those, they scrutinize them, I have to *shudder* convince them to hire me! This, ladies and gentlemen, is scary. Give me a twelve page paper on psychological resilience in literature, I can do that, a ten page paper on heroic archetypes and human society's need for them, piece of cake. But a cover letter, oh no, that's just... gyuhhh. Sound it out, it's a very descriptive word.
Somehow the challenge of actually talking about myself rather than cut and dry literature is far more challenging. Nevermind the daunting task of trying to convince someone I've never met how marketable I and my job skills are. Last time I checked working random jobs to pay for my textbooks and spending the rest of my time in school doesn't portray much skill in the real world. Real world, what's that, have I been there? Hire me and I promise I can do the job, it's not my fault I haven't actually done the job before. Blame the employers who demand experience for the job but don't hire you so that you can actually get said experience. It's quite the circular and pointless little dance. All in all, I hate cover letters. But, I doubt I will ever be able to escape them.


  1. Evil evil evil evil! Why can't I just submit a resume? If they want to know more they can just talk to me!
